Arc Tank: Training on Autism Spectrum Disorders for Future Healthcare Professionals
Northeast ARC

Arc Tank: Training on Autism Spectrum Disorders for Future Healthcare Professionals

Steven P. Rosenthal’s Arc Tank supports UMass PIHC training program on autism for future health care professionals.

Since its initial launch in 2017, The Arc Tank (developed by Steven P. Rosenthal and Northeast Arc) has helped to facilitate groundbreaking an innovative nonprofit projects.  So far, the Changing Lives Fund has distributed $200,000 in donations to three Arc Tank winners.

One notable winning idea is the University of Massachusetts Medical School’s Pathways to Inclusive Health Care (PIHC) program. PIHC is a program that aims to train future health care practitioners and professionals on working with people with intellectual and physical disabilities.  In particular, the learning program focuses on understanding and interacting with individuals on the autism disorder spectrum. For many people, including those in the medical field, autism is a mystery. Program launcher, Dr. Carolyn Langer is a mother of a young adult on the autism spectrum.  However, despite her years of experience in the healthcare field, she stated that her son was the first child she ever met with autism. Her experience is telling of the lack of specific training on autism spectrum disorders for individuals in the medical and healthcare fields. 

PIHC participants will spend four days a week working with community organizations that provide services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Participants will also receive nine months worth of training and a certificate of disability studies from UMass Medical School.

Steven P. Rosenthal, Northeast Arc and UMass Medical School look forward to the immediate and long term benefits of the Pathways to Inclusive Health Care Program.